"Dare mighty things," which is used as a motto by NASA
A secret message written in binary computer code was allegedly discovered on the parachute and helped Nasa's Perseverance Rover land safely on Mars last week, according to online sleuths. They claim that the phrase "Dare mighty things," which is used as a motto by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, was encoded on the parachute using a design in binary code.

One in red and zero in white, pattern of the secret message.
The red-and-white pattern on the parachute, which was thought to be deliberate by Reddit users and social media posters on Twitter, led them to conclude that it represented one in red and zero in white, pattern of the secret message.
The words represented in the secret message by the concentric rings in the parachute's design are one-by-one assigned to each ring. The zeroes and ones binary code must be split into ten-character chunks, and then 64 is added to get the computer ASCII code for a letter. For example, seven white stripes, a red stripe, and two more white stripes.

Systems engineer Ian Clark
The 70-foot parachute's orange-and-white strips were mapped out by Systems engineer Ian Clark, who used a binary code — groupings of zeros and ones — to write “Dare mighty things” in the stripes.

geolocation code for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The pattern on the outside edge of the parachute was another secret message. It was also designed in binary code by Systems engineer Ian Clark to represent 34°11’58” N 118°10'31" W, the geolocation code for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which performed much of the development on Perseverance.
speech by Theodore Roosevelt, which he delivered in 1899
Before being used by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, The phrase's origins lie in a speech by Theodore Roosevelt, which he delivered in 1899: "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even if they are encumbered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight...
The design has a scientific use for Nasa's Perseverance Rover
The goal had been set by Nasa itself. While the design has a scientific use for Nasa's Perseverance Rover - allowing mission control to view the parachute's angle and whether it has twisted during a live broadcast about the landing, one NASA commentator joked: "Sometimes we leave messages for others to find in our work. So we invite you all to try it out and display your findings
Trailer video for the Curiosity rover mission
The phrase "dare mighty things" has previously been used by NASA in connection with its Mars missions. In 2013, it released a trailer video for the Curiosity rover mission called "Dare Mighty Things." The current endeavor has also adopted the phrase in tweets announcing the new site's confirmation.
"very, very happy" with the achievement
The parachute's high-tech fabric was created in Devon, emphasizing the worldwide nature of the mission to send Perseverance to Mars. Heathcoat Fabrics of Tiverton said it was "very, very happy" with the achievement, with Peter Hill, director of the woven fabric department at the firm, adding that it represented 15 years' labor
“It’s an incredibly emotional moment when you realize that millions of people across the world are holding their breath, waiting for news of a successful landing, and that part of that success is due to your exceptional team in Tiverton.” Richard Crane, the firm's technical director, told the BBC at the time.
The Perseverance Rover also contains another hidden message.
10.9 million names and 155 essays were included on microchips, which are tiny chips with special features.
The rover also refers to the Covid epidemic,
which has slowed down and disrupted the mission's preparations and execution on Earth. In memory of frontline medical workers during the pandemic, an aluminium plate on the rover features a representation of the Rod of Asclepius, an ancient Greek sign for healing and medicine that is supported by the Earth.